NZ dollar plummeted for the 2nd time against the US dollar. The falling NZ currency is among the most popular reasons why this is the right time to buy NZ real estate.
Despite the increasing demand for NZ real estate and the more promising sales figures in March 2009, NZ property analysts still admit that property prices are at their lowest for the last 12 months. If you have been dreaming of a cozy holiday house at the countryside, this is your chance to enter the property market.
Amidst all this frenzy on buying NZ real estate, there are risks that investors need to know. Knowledge of these risks and other strategies in buying the right NZ property is paramount in making sure you get value for your money. You do not need to do months of research. You do not need to attend boring seminars on real estates. You do not have to listen to biased opinion on NZ real estate.
"New Zealand Property Report 2009" tells you all the objective and factual issues you need to deal with them buying NZ real estate.
This eBook describes the opportunities to buy cheap properties in NZ as the global credit crunch restores property in commodity producing countries to 'bargain' prices. The bargains are already there, but they are not widespread. For the next few years you will need to be a canny property investor to identify the opportunities. We show you where to find high yielding property investments, whether as a pure investment or a lifestyle proposition, and how you can still earn capital gains on your property acquisitions. This 160+ page book will be timely for investors unsure about where to place their money, retirees seeking new adventures, and lifestylers like myself who want to cut out of the contemporary groove of an office worker and do something creative and different.....and still make money.
NZ is already recognised as a tourist haven. But it also has some compelling benefits for property investors, such as ZERO capital gains tax, stamp duty, GST and transfer taxes. None!
Author of this book is Andrew Sheldon, Australian property investor. He has experienced buying properties worldwide - at the right time. Andrew is a consummate researcher, a strategic and critical analyst who spends time traveling around Japan, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand.
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